
01 December 2016

Christmas is nearly here!

Christmas is nearly here! Follow Olleco on Twitter and Facebook throughout the month for recipe inspiration to cut down food waste and give leftovers a #SecondServing


4.2 million tonnes of good food goes to waste every year from UK homes, 230,000 additional tonnes of which is in December.

If all this waste food was to go to AD then is would produce enough to power a city the size of Southampton throughout December.

When it comes to Christmas dinner, we think about putting on a spread and overindulging but inevitably there is always waste. Reusing leftovers isn’t just good for saving the environment, it also saves you money.

Stay tuned throughout December for purse friendly, planet saving 


This week’s theme is vegetables. Did you know we waste 17 million sprouts and 12 million carrots every December? Love them or hate them, those sprouts deserve a second chance at being served.

Charred sprout dip

Charred sprout dip recipe  

For the full recipe, visit

Keep checking back throughout December for when this page is updated with scrumptious ways to use your surplus food.

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